|   +43 1 3950899-0      |    de . en 


1. Place and organizer

The event will be held under the name CULTIVA HANFEXPO. 

Organizer of the exhibition „ CULTIVA HANFEXPO“ is the company

Cultiva Hemp Expo GmbH
Linzer Straße 418 Top 2
A-1140 Vienna

called Organizer for short.


Phone number +43 1 3950899-0

Event location

The event will take place in the following location:

Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19
A - 1030 Vienna

Opening hours

The opening hours of the event are:

07th - 09th October 2022
Friday, October 07th | 11:00 – 20:00 
Saturday, October 08th | 11:00 – 19:00 
Sunday,  October 09th  | 11:00 – 18:00 

The organizer retains the right to change the start and duration of the exhibition without the exhibitor being able to derive any claims against the organizer (e.g. withdrawal, compensation).

The organizer uses the event area on the basis of a rental agreement with the
HEY-U! Mediagroup
Helmut Qualtinger Gasse 2
Marxbox - Stiege 1
A – 1030 Vienna 

2. Registration and payment conditions

The registration for "CULTIVA HANFEXPO" as an exhibitor is made with the form "Booth Booking". The contract between the exhibitor and the organizer is concluded with the transmission of the completed and signed registration form - as well as confirmed by the organizer.

The prices for booths are attached to the form Pricelist . Additional requested extras (tables, showcases, exhibition walls etc.) can be ordered on the exhibitor portal.

The organizer reserves the right to withdraw from the contract if the exhibitor does not fulfill his payment obligations in due time. All payments shall be made in euros to the organizer's account at the

Bank Austria
IBAN AT36 3258 5000 0867 0929

If the payment deadline stated on the invoice is exceeded, interest on overdue payments will be charged at the usual bank rate. Transfer charges shall be paid by the exhibitor. The payment of the value added tax to be charged is also obligatory for exhibitors from abroad. The Austrian General Civil Code (ABGB) including subsidiary laws shall apply, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the International Private International Law (IPR).

For the 2021 reservation, the organizer offers special payment options for new bookings: 

After registration, 50% of the total amount of participation will be charged , the remaining 50% is due 12 weeks before the event.

Our General Terms and Conditions apply and the right of withdrawal anchored within them with corresponding cancellation costs.

3. Exhibitor passes

Depending on the size of the booth, a number of exhibitor passes are available to the exhibitor. Additional passes will be charged at the advance ticket price.

Exhibitor passes must be collected from the exhibition office prior to the start of booth set-up work and must be worn in a clearly visible position throughout the exhibition and presented upon request by security staff.

4. Booth construction

4.1. Terms of use

The booths used are the property of the booth construction company engaged by the organizer, therefore any processing and modification to the booth construction elements is prohibited. This applies in particular to nailing, screwing, welding and gluing as well as painting and wallpapering. Any adhesive residue left behind must be removed by the exhibitor. The exhibitor is responsible for loss or damage of the used objects, also by third parties, at the replacement value.

4.2. Booth setup and removal

The exact times, as well as the exact organization of the set-up and take-down, as well as delivery and pick-up, will be announced to the exhibitor by the organizer in due time. 

If, at the time of booth set-up, the organizer still has outstanding debts to the exhibitor, the organizer is authorized to prohibit booth set-up until payment has been made. 

It is explicitly forbidden to set up and remove booths during the opening hours of the trade exhibition. In case of violation an amount of 500,- Euro will be charged.

4.3. Stand occupancy

Construction and stand set-up must be completed by 12:00 on the day before the exhibition. If this deadline cannot be respected, the exhibitor must notify the organizer in written form. If no notification is received by the above-mentioned deadline and the space is not occupied, the organizer reserves the right to dispose of the space elsewhere from this point in time without further notification and without refunding any costs to the previous booth tenant. Booth construction must be completed by 12:00 on the first day of the exhibition. The hired booth must be occupied during the entire opening hours of the fair. A change of the allocated space as well as changes to the outer wall surfaces of the booth are not permitted without prior permission from the organizer.

4.4. Change of size and position of a booth

We reserve the right to make changes to the location and / or dimensions at short notice, e.g. due to governmental instructions.

4.5. Overstepping the height structure

The exceeding of the permitted construction height for the exhibition booths over the normal dimension of 2.5m by superstructures, inscriptions and decorations of any kind requires the written approval of the organizer. If the installation of a superstructure is intended, the corresponding plans or structural analysis reports - are to be sent to Cultiva Hemp Expo GmbH no later than 6 weeks before the start of the exhibition. The organizer reserves the right not to authorize superstructures of any kind exceeding the normal dimension of 2.5 m in height. The prices for the superstructure will be calculated according to the width of the run and the height and will be communicated after presentation of the plans and documents. If the exhibitor uses his own stand material, he must comply with the Austrian regulations for exhibition booths (B1, fire protection) and install separation walls to separate the booth from other booths. The exhibitor undertakes to comply with Austrian regulations in the form of laws or ordinances as well as police and safety regulations.

4.6. Community booths

If several exhibitors share a booth, the main exhibitor assumes the overall responsibility (regarding payment, damages, etc.). The main exhibitor is responsible for passing on all information to his co-exhibitors. A flat fee will be charged for each co-exhibitor according to the valid price list. Co-exhibitors will be listed in the exhibition magazine, but will not receive their own stand lettering.

5. Cancellation and withdrawal

5.1. Cancellation

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the already organized exhibition in cases of major force. In this case, 50% of the payments received up to the day of cancellation will be refunded, minus the costs already incurred by Cultiva Hemp Expo GmhH due to orders from the exhibitor. The exhibitor is not entitled to any compensation.

5.2. Withdrawal by the exhibitor

The exhibitor must declare his withdrawal in writing and have it confirmed in writing by the organizer. In the case of withdrawal up to 3 months before the start of the exhibition, 50% of all costs remain due for payment. In the case of withdrawal within 3 months before the start of the exhibition, the entire amount is due for payment, in each case plus taxes, duties, other ancillary costs and any costs already incurred for ordered technical and other services. The exhibitor is not entitled to assign claims arising from the exhibition contract with the organizer to third parties. Even partial transfer of the booth requires the explicit written consent of the organizer and is only permitted against payment of a co-exhibitor fee. 

The exhibitor acknowledges that the cancellation fee must also be paid if the organizer succeeds in renting or selling the exhibition booth to a third party. This does not affect the right to claim damages in excess of the agreed cancellation fees. The due date of the cancellation fee plus any payments in excess thereof shall be determined by the cancellation invoice. 

6. Sale and give away

The exhibitor accepts not to exhibit, sell or give away any illegal substances of any kind. In case of violation, the person / people will be removed from the exhibition and will bear all costs for any consequential damages. There will be no compensation for the costs. The sale of food and beverages for immediate consumption is not permitted.

7. Advertising und Music

Any other advertising ( attaching posters and stickers, hanging flags and balloons, distributing magazines, flyers or other advertising material) is subject to a charge and may only be carried out with the approval of the organizer. All advertising material must be removed at the end of the exhibition. If this is not done, cleaning will be charged according to the time and effort involved. The playing of music on the exhibitor's own music system is not permitted. The sound system will be provided by the organizer.

8. Safety, liability, insurance

The booth rental fee does not include insurance for the items brought into the booth, the booth and all other exhibition equipment. If insurance is taken out with the organizer or an insurance company, the terms and conditions agreed separately in writing on the occasion of taking out the insurance shall apply. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any damage, theft or robbery of vehicles, exhibited installations and goods. Each exhibitor is responsible for the supervision of his booth during the construction and deconstruction periods and during the exhibition hours. Each exhibitor is responsible for damage to objects and persons caused to the organizer by acts or negligence of himself, his employees or agents, and indemnifies the organizer for all costs, damages and interests claimed by third parties from Cultiva Hemp Expo GmbH due to acts or negligence of the exhibitor, his employees or agents.

9. Surveillance

The organizer shall provide general surveillance of the event areas during the exhibition (including set-up and takedown times), without, however, assuming any responsibility for loss or damage to items. The exhibitor is responsible for the supervision and surveillance of the booth space and the booth itself. This also applies during set-up and deconstruction times, before the start and after the end of the event. Exhibitors have no legal claim to special stand security (theft security). Additional booth security must be ordered separately by the exhibitor and invoiced directly to the company commissioned. Any booth security ordered separately by the exhibitor must be notified to the organizer in writing in due time, stating the details of the security company, insofar as it takes place during the opening hours of the exhibition halls. The use of third-party security companies commissioned by the exhibitor to guard the booth outside the opening hours of the exhibition center also requires the prior written approval of the organizer. 

10. Cleaning

The organizer is responsible for cleaning the grounds and the corridors in the halls. The cleaning of the booths is the responsibility of the exhibitors. Upon order and at the expense of the exhibitor, cleaning services approved by the organizer will take over the cleaning of the booths. Packaging material and waste which the exhibitor throws onto the corridor or deposits on the side will be removed at the exhibitor's expense. The removal of any special waste must be arranged by the exhibitor. 

11. Transport and Parking

Driving into the exhibition halls with motor vehicles of any kind is prohibited during the exhibition. In the case of special transports, written permission must be obtained from the organizer in good time. All vehicles must be removed from the entrances, driveways, fire zones and press parking areas without restriction as of the end of construction. Trucks over 3.5t may not be parked in the parking areas during the trade fair. Any contravention will result in a case of interference with property and the organizer is free to have illegally parked vehicles removed at the expense of the vehicle owner. 

12. Complaints

In case of complaints, these must be reported immediately to the exhibition office.

13. Smoking ban

The general ban on smoking must be respected in the exhibition halls. Smoking is only permitted in the intended and marked areas. The exhibitor is also responsible for observing the smoking ban on the part of visitors to his booth area. Should visitors break this rule, this must be reported immediately to the organizer's staff. The exhibitor is responsible for all damages caused to the organizer due to non-observance of the smoking ban.

14. House rules

The house rules of the MARX HALLE and the organizer must be followed. 

15. Writing, Common law

Modifications, supplements and additions must be made in writing. This shall also apply to any waiver of the written form requirement. Verbal collateral agreements are invalid. The exhibitor cannot derive any rights from previous events or contracts.  

16. Filming and photography

The organizer is given the right to photograph and film on the event grounds and to use the image recordings for its own or general publications. In this context, the exhibitor renounces all objections arising from industrial property rights, in particular copyright and the law against unfair competition (UWG). The exhibitor is not permitted to make or have made films, photographs, drawings or other illustrations of exhibits and exhibited goods outside his own booth. 

17. Declaration of consent in accordance with the Data Protection and Telecommunications Act

The exhibitor agrees to the use of the data provided by him in the registration form. Exhibitor data serve the purpose of marketing for the event. A revocation is possible at any time and causes the inadmissibility of the further use of the data. The exhibitor agrees - against revocation at any time - to be informed in future by the exhibition organizer about exhibition events by e-mail or post.

18. Others

Admission will be allowed to people under 18 years only if accompanied by a parent or guardian. It is forbidden to bring illegal substances, weapons - as well as all objects that can be used for acts of violence - and animals. Checks will be carried out at the entrance and within the exhibition grounds, which will result in a prohibition of entry or removal of the person from the exhibition grounds in the event of a violation. Compensation for costs will not be paid. 

19. Jurisdiction

Austrian law shall apply exclusively. Vienna shall be recognized as the agreed place of jurisdiction.


International Hemp & CBD exhibition in the center of Vienna. National and international exhibitors from all over the world present the latest trends of the hemp market on 8.000 sqm.


Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19
1030 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 3950899-0